Goth City Promotions have announced that the
second Re:Vamped Weekend of vampire-adjacent
culture is returning in 2024, after the success of the first
event in 2023.
Re:Vamped, which builds on the success of the World Dracula Day
Lecture which first took place in 2021, takes place at the famous
Midland Hotel in Bradford over May bank holiday weekend. The
Midland has a unique place in the history of UK gothic culture as
the place where legendry Victorian stage actor Henry Irving died
in 1905, on his farewell tour accompanied by his business manager
Dracula author Bram Stoker.
The weekend begins with a vampire masquerade ball at the Midland
on Friday 3rd May, and followed on Saturday evening by live music
from three great live bands - Westenra, Gothzilla, and Shallow Halo - at The 1 in 12 Club, Bradfords anarchist social space which is
currently raising funds for a substantial refurbishment.
The fourth World Dracula Day Lecture is this year presented by James Swanton, with stalls and much more, in the Midland Hotel
ballroom on the afternoon of Saturday 4th May (12pm-4pm). James
is an award-winning actor and writer, increasingly recognised for
his attempts to frighten people. He has so far played such
otherworldly beings as the Mummy in Lot No. 249 (BBC), the Spirit
in Host (Shudder) and the title role in Frankenstein's Creature (FrightFest,
Leicester Square).
All proceeds from the event are to be donated to PAFRAS (Positive
Action for Refugees & Asylum Seekers), a local refugee
Friday 3th May 2024
The Re:Vamped Vampire Masquerade Ball, featuring DJ Pinka Belle
At The Midland Hotel ballroom (8pm-midnight)
£10 advance, £12 on the door, £25 weekend ticket
Saturday 4th May 2024:
The fourth World Dracula Day Lecture, presented by James Swanton,
At The Midland Hotel ballroom (12pm-4pm)
£10 advance, £12 on the door, £25 weekend ticket
Westenra, Gothzilla, and Shallow Halo
at The 1 in 12 Club (8pm-11pm)
£10 advance, £12 on the door, £25 weekend ticket