"Of passions strong, of hasty nature, Of graceless form and dwarfish stature; By few approved, and few approving; Extreme in hating and in loving." - Matthew Lewis

As an overture to the creative endeavours of the year, may I present to you a brand new Byronic Sex & Exile E.P, ‘MP For Hindon (Wilts)’.

Inspired by the fact that two key gothic authors, namely William Beckford (‘Vathek’) and Matthew Lewis (‘The Monk’) had both been members of parliament for the same titular rotten borough seat, ‘MP For Hindon (Wilts)’ is a parlour-gothic rumination on romance, horror and radical politics straight from the vaults of the baroque, featuring corrupt monks, sex dwarfs, gothic revolution, and crumbling mock-castles, as well as the complicated legacy of both writers.

With a simple instrumentation based around harpsichord and vocals, with only the barest further accompaniment, and featuring an eerie reading from Lewis's ‘The Castle Spectre’, it's the perfect soundtrack for a gloomy fireside reading of ‘The Sorrows Of Young Werther’ on a stormy night.

The E.P will be available as a
digital download.

1. Fonthill
2. Perro
3. Jacobin
4. The Castle Spectre
5. MP For Hindon (Wilts)
6. The Monk


Byronic Sex & Exile is venturing out of the crypt once more this spring, with a new mini-album and tour.

Released in May, ‘Vampyros Wesbos’ will be a long-overdue deeper dive into vampiric culture, featuring all the abandoned vaults, haunted castles and vainglorious bloodlust that you could wish for! It will be accompanied by a tour showcasing a new stage show, which will be unveiled at Whitby in April.

‘Vampyros Wesbos' Tour:
Sun 27th April - Whitby Hetty & Bettys
Fri 2nd May - Leeds Fox & Newt
Fri 9th May - Sheffield The Yorkshireman
Sun 11th May - London Camden Fiddler's Elbow
Sun 18th May - Derby Victoria Inn
Sat 24th May - Bradford 1 in 12 Club

Further details and tickets to be announced soon!


…and that's not all! To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Byronic Sex & Exile's debut release, a special tenth anniversary show will be held this summer.

Featuring a special extended BS&E set, as well as an all-star cast of friends & relations, ‘Levée En Masse’ takes place at the magnificent Channing Hall in Sheffield from 4pm-10pm on 9th August. Always a wonderful venue, this promises to be an extra-special day and one not to be missed!

Saturday 9th August
Sheffield Channing Hall
Tickets £10 advance/£12 on the door

Further details, tickets and lineup coming soon, but in the meantime - save the date!